Sunday, May 11, 2014

Are You Down With the Sickness?

I am stricken with an illness that is detrimental for any long-term, budget traveller. When it comes to riding in cars, buses, or boats, I tend to get a little...pukey. 

This ailment has become worse since moving to Spain, where the cheapest form of transportation is typically by bus, whether that be a city bus or international. 

After multiple bad experiences with motion sickness, I'd like to think that I have a pretty good handle on how to control it, and since I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that deals with it, I've decided to share my findings with you. 

Eat Breakfast
If you know that you're going to be travelling, make sure you have something in your stomach before you leave. I have noticed that I always get a lot sicker when I haven't had anything to eat. On this same vein, make sure you're hydrated, with water or something like Gatorade that contains electrolytes.

My mom told me that when she was pregnant, she took ginger to fight off morning sickness. Turns out, it works pretty well for motion sickness. Try and take it an hour before you leave, because if you take it right before you puke, it does not feel good. Trust me.

Don't Read
I often wonder how many more books I could have read in my life if I was able to read in the car. On that note, if you get motion sick, don't read anything. Not a book, not a magazine, not a map. Put in your Ipod, close your eyes, and zone out.

Call it. When you sit in the front of a car, a bus, or a boat, you're odds get a lot better. Try and focus on the horizon if you start to feel queasy.

Some people can take Dramamine without feeling like dopey mess, I am not one of those people. I can't even take the less-drowsy formula. BUT. On my 9 hour bus ride to camp this summer, I discovered something magical. Dramamine gum. Yes, it taste pretty gross after a few minutes, but you only need to chew it for 15 minutes and after that, it's smooth sailing...literally. I have no idea if this is something that is sold in the States, but it's definitely sold in Europe and it definitely is one of the best things that ever happened to me.

If You Gotta Do it, Do it
Sometimes, puke happens, no matter how many precautions you may take. It's unfortunate. It's gross. It's embarrassing. But sometimes it's the only thing you can do. I like to have a little "kit" that I take with me when I travel. It includes a plastic bag, tissues, gum, and a little snack.

I hope that these tips will help you out should you ever be in the unfortunate situation of encountering a bout of motion sickness.

If anyone else has tried-and-true tips, I am always looking for things that will keep my misery (and yours!) to a minimum!

Originally posted 1.13.12

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